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10 Benefits by having a Mentalist at Your Corporate Event in Chicago!

Writer's picture: Christopher GraceChristopher Grace

Updated: Jan 17

Adding live entertainment to your next corporate party can greatly increase its retention on your guests. Many organizers have commented that they've received questions and inquiries if they'll have entertainment again, and more often than not. The same entertainment as before.

Here are 10 benefits you'll get when you add a Mentalist to your next company party in Chicago or Illinois.

1. IT'S DIFFERENT! - How many events have you been to where it's just cocktails, dinner, desert, speeches and you leave? It's boring, repetitive and expected. When you add in a live performance by a professional corporate entertainer it elevates your event, change the pace and causes the group to remember the event much longer. Especially when the entertainment is good!


2. BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER! - Live entertainment has the wonderful ability to bring a group (especially a group where everyone does not know everyone in the room) together. For example, a mentalist reads the minds of the audience in a fun and entertaining way. Often there are demonstrations where the entire audience (no matter the size) participates together. This allows for a sense camaraderie to form amongst the group. Mentalist Christopher Grace specializes in providing experiences that specifically bring people together in ways that are fun, interesting different then what you've seen in every team building seminar you've ever been to.


3. IT HELPS WITH THE SCHEDULE! - Remember how many things you have to do when you plan an event? Wouldn't it be nice to have an hour or 90 minutes off where you can get awards ready, coordinate end of night speeches, or maybe eat.. since you've been running around all night? Adding some entertainment allows you to plan things out and not get overwhelmed. For more information on making your corporate event a success check out our article here.

4. THE MENTALIST! - No, not the tv show. A mentalist is a magician of the mind. Specializing in audience connections through a conjurors form of mind reading and psychic entertainment. The mentalist, such as Christopher Grace will perform directly with the audience from start to finish. Which means the show is 100% interactive! Everyone gets involved in a fun, friendly and completely corporate clean way. A mentalist does not embarrass people, hypnotize anyone to dance or be ridiculous in front of their friends and co-workers. Something beneficial when you consider how long people work with each other and how long it would take live down the fact that Janice from marketing sang Cher songs while leap frogging Bill from accounting. A mentalist focuses on audience connection and camaraderie. You won't see a bare stage with a guy pulling doves from silks. Instead, you'll see a mind reader literally telling people what they're thinking, describing what kind of car they drive, where they went to school, their kids names and how much cash they have on them at that very moment. All without ever having met them before! A mentalist is enticing because it's not about him or her, it's about the audience! They're the stars while the mentalist is the conduit that makes them so. Consider this when looking for live entertainment at your next corporate event.


5. A MENTALIST IS EASY! - If you've ever seen a mentalist before you've probably realized how little equipment they carry. When you read minds for a living all you really need is a notepad, some pens and paper and at least two minds. By eliminating huge cases, dangerous wires and electrical equipment you create a safer environment and ultimately save time. A quick set up and breakdown takes minutes not hours. A mentalist has the ability to set up within 5 minutes and break down even faster. Usually requiring a couple chairs and maybe a table (even though professionals often bring their own fold away table) the professional corporate mentalist can set a briefcase down, open and be ready to go.

corporate event entertainment Chicago mentalist

6. IT MAKES YOU LOOK GOOD! - A mentalist like Christopher receives a lot of great comments after his shows. But the real person to get the glory is the one who brought him in in the first place! You'll be thanked for having a unique and different event constantly. And more often than not, you'll hear "I didn't know what to expect but that was amazing!" or "I had no idea what a mentalist was so I was scared he was going to hypnotize me! But it was awesome!" When you bring in the entertainment, they bring the audience together, you get all the credit!


7. EVERYONE WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT THEMSELVES! - Let's face it, we're all human and we love being told things about ourselves. (as long as it's not embarrassing or uncomfortable of course) A mentalist has the ability to connect directly with an audience and engage with them on a personal level. Imagine a man on stage, who posses control over the human mind to look into yours (see only what you let him see by the way) and tell you about yourself. Your loves, passions, connections and details that only a close few should know. Like what dorm you were in while in college, where you're thinking of going on vacation, whether you will get the promotion you deserve or not and so much more you wouldn't believe without seeing it done live!

According to Psychology Today:


"Well, according to one study, talking about oneself activates the same areas of the brain that light up when eating good food, taking drugs and even having sex. Simply put, self-disclosure is gratifying. It gives us a neurological buzz."

8. REQUIREMENTS AT A MINIMUM - Most mentalists provide everything they need. And even though this was lightly covered earlier, it warrants it's own spot on this list. A mentalist is low-prop and equipment. Usually coming with a small suitcase or road case. The mentalist will provide all materials he needs to make his show a success. Unless otherwise agreed upon by him or herself and client. When it comes to music, and sound. A mentalist almost always (if they use music) comes equipped with at least 2 or 3 ways to play their music. Either buy bringing their own sound system (rare for professionals) or an iPad, USB drive or even an old school CD (we know.) For vocal sound, a mic should be discussed ahead of time by the mentalist and the client. Usually (not always) but usually a mentalist will bring his own backup mic when the house or provided system doesn't work, has problems or to be honest is just old and outdated. Quality sound greatly impacts the performance as most of the show is verbal and needs to be heard clearly by everyone in attendance. Other than these few things, a mentalist is by far the most compact and easy performer that is not a sole public speaker.


9. IT'S CLASSY! - A mentalist is different. Seriously, a mentalist immediately conveys a sense of upper level entertainment. Now most mentalists come from being a magician, so we have nothing against magicians as mentalists. But a mentalist has the ability to connect with people on a deeper level than a magician. The main reason is because the show is rarely if ever about the mentalist him or herself. When a person connects with another it creates a sense of trust and compassion. This elevates how the audience views the performance and makes them think about it on another level.


10. THEY WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE EASY! - A mentalist is very low maintenance. They (usually) do not need fancy dressing rooms, long set-up times or a bowl of green M&M's. Once you've hired a mentalist you receive a contract, and technical rider. This will include the absolute basic things needed by a mentalist. Most often they'll need a chair or two (depends on the performer), a small table sometimes and whatever sound and AV requirements are necessary. By not being a huge pain asking for things and connecting constantly when you are busy, a professional mentalist will be ready to go once the first phone call or email ends. We're pros for a reason, we know how to make your event a success and how to manage crisis if they do come up. Always, always, always hire a professional. Don't know a professional from an amateur? Read this article to determine how to tell the difference.

These 10 benefits for hiring a mentalist will greatly help you when you're planning your next corporate event in Chicago!

For more corporate event planning articles please visit our full blog here!


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